3. On ziplines, the pulley lanyard should be much shorter than the CLiC-iT
lanyard (between 10cm and 35cm) so that the connectors don’t rub on the
4. Install C-ZAM (Ref : DAS111) / C-ZAM L (Ref : DAS145) / C-ZAM L+ (Ref :
DAS148) rings to ease the connection onto the lifeline.
5. Make sure that all anchor points are magnetic. Use C-CONNECT V2 (Ref:
DAS170) for Tarzan jumps and automatic fall arrest.
6. On ladders, use fall arrest systems (adjust according to weight of the CLiC-
iT). There should be no slack between the self-retracting fall arrest system and
the lanyard when arriving at the platform to avoid a free fall.
7. For free falls (QuickJump, Tarzan jumps…), use a third anchor point to
connect directly to the harness attachment point in addition to the C-CONNECT
V2. This ensures a redundancy of safety and helps to avoid putting the lanyards
in tension during jump and thus protect lanyards and control cables from
premature wear.
8. When climbing and descending slopes, install C-STOP stops (Ref: DAS075)
to avoid a sudden descent.
9. Install C-OFF (Ref : DAS044) at the begining and at the end of the courses,
only in an area out of danger of falling. Free cable ends need to be protected by
a plastic cap to avoid injuring the user.
10. In order to facilitate movement, fit a safety rope around the trees or poles
Magnets contained in CLiT-iT products can cause malfunction of
the pacemaker.
4.2 Stockage
Store and transport in a cool and dry place, away from direct light. Avoid unnecessary
exposure to UV light. Store and transport without any mechanical constraints. Store ma-
terial to remove humidity from the cables of the lanyard. For optimal storage of CLiC-iT
lanyard, we recommend using C-RACK (Ref. : DAS280)
The storage of the lanyard under stress (folded and loaded textile part) causes pre-
mature wear of the control cables, which can lead to an increase of the risk of double
4.3 Evacuation in case of emergency
Supply the operators with C-ZAM Rescue (Ref : DAS194) to unhook a user from the
lifeline in case of emergency.
4.4 Unlocking the CLiC-iT system
Connector 21 :
1. Pull the trigger
2. Pull the connector until the barrel locks
3. Insert the recommended tool (Ref : DAS 226) on the left side of the cable
under the barrel and push the latch
4. Remove the tool (Ref: DAS226) while maintaining a pressure on the barrel
pushing it towards its opening
Connector 25 :
1. Pull the trigger
2. Pull the connector until the barrel locks
3. Unlock according to variant 1 or 2
Variant 1 : Insert the recommended tool (Ref : DAS 226) diagonally in the slot at the red
circle on the image and press while maintaining a pressure on the barrel by pushing it
towards its opening
Variant 2 : Insert the recommended tool (Ref : DAS 226) in the slot and push it down
while maintaining a pressure on the barrel by pushing it towards its opening
4. Remove the tool (Ref: DAS226) while maintaining a pressure on the barrel pushing it
towards its opening
4.5 Checking the product
Each CLiC-iT karabiner includes 3 independent safety systems which need to be checked
before each use to ensure the reliability and safety of its users. In order to avoid any
unclipping from the lifeline, due to a mechanical malfunction of the belay system, it
is essential to conduct a daily check of the equipment. Before each use, inspect the
general condition the stitchings of the lanyard as well as the proper functioning of the
connectors. In particular, it is important to check that :
1. Both connectors can’t be unlocked at the same time
2. For Ax1 version, the connectors can only hook onto a (magnetic) steel
anchor point. For Ax2 version, the connectors can only hook onto C-ZAM
3. It is impossible to unlock a connector without pressing the trigger.
Inspection of the lanyards with swivel C8 / openable swivel C8+
Addition of inspections tied to the swivel sewn into the lanyards with swivel C8 / C8+ :
Inspect the CLiC-iT swivel according to its instructions for use.
Visually inspect the condition of the seams connecting the swivel to the lanyard.
4.6 Cleaning and lubrication of connectors
In order to remove dust inside the connectors (around the magnet and inside the mecha-
nism), use an air gun (maximum pressure: 6 bars).
To ensure a smooth operation without seizing and protecting the moisture system, spray
BALLISTOL and WD40 lubricant inside the mechanism .
To prevent dust accumulation around the magnet, spray silicone into the area of the
5. Further informations
1. Operating temperature
The use and storage temperature range should be between - 10 and +50°C.
CAUTION: the product concists of polyethylene, melting at 140°C.
2. Label
Do not cut off the label
3. Precautions for use
Avoid any rubbing on abrasive or sharp areas which may damage the product. Avoid
contact with chemical products, notably acids which can damage lanyard fibres without
any visible effect.
4. Cleaning the lanyards
Clean with a soft brush. Do not use water.
5. Drying
Any damp equipment should be dried in a dry and ventilated area away from direct heat
sources. Damp equipment, or which has frozen up, may not operate properly.
6. Storage and transport
Store and transport in a cool and dry place, away from direct light. Avoid unnecessary
exposure to UV light. Store and transport without any mechanical constraints. Store in a
ventilated space.
7. Maintenance - Modification – Repair
This product must be thorouglhly checked annually by a qualified professional with
a prior written certification from SARL. It is forbidden to modify or repair this product
yourself without prior training and written authorisation from SARL DEHONDT one week
after the training.
Life expectancy
The life expectancy corresponds to the storage time before use + time in use.
Storage time : in proper storage conditions, this product may be stored for 5 years before
first use without affecting its lifetime in use.
Storage and aging due to use of the product may reduce its strength.
Lifetime in use : 10 years maximum. Safety checks determine if the product should be
scrapped or repaired.
A product should be scrapped or repaired in case of:
- Important wear of the connectors in the area in contact with the anchor cable.
- Failure to open or lock the connectors, possibility of opening both connectors at the
same time, or possibility of attaching the connectors on a material other than magneti-
sable steel: rope, harness, lanyard.
- Lanyard damage due to abrasion, cuts, chemical agents or others. •Damage to lanyard
- Contact of the product with chemical or hazardous agents.
- If the stitchings of the webbing are damaged. If the product has been in contact with
chemical or dangerous agents.
In case of fall or important damage, the product should be pulled out immediately and
sent back to the manufacturer for detailed inspection and possible repair. An incident
report for the manufacturer should be attached to the product.
This product is guaranteed for 2 years against any defects in materials or production.
Are excluded from the guarantee: normal wear, modifications and alterations, incorrect
storage or maintenance, damage due to accidents, negligence or improper use. The
guarantee is void in case of :
- Dismantling and reassembly of the product by unauthorised persons
- Commissioning and / or use (even temporary) CLiC-iT without a person with a training
certificate issued and registered by DEHONDT SARL (training « A » minimum) present on
the park.
- Periodic inspection of CLiC-iT carried out by a person who does not have a training
certificate issued and registered by DEHONDT SARL (training « A », « B » or « C »).
- Maintenance of CLiC-iT carried out by a person who does not have a training certificate
issued and registered by DEHONDT SARL (training « B » or « C »).
- Resale or transfer to a third party without prior written agreement from the manufactu-
- Use of spare parts not supplied by the manufacturer.
The CLiC-iT guarantee applies subject to the receipt of the completed training certifi-
cates, signed, scanned before the CLiC-iT is put into service, and at the latest 1 week
after the traning at [email protected]
DEHONDT SARL is not liable for direct, indirect, accidental or any other consequences
occurring or due to the use of its products. DEHONDT SARL waives any responsibility if
the storage, transport, use, maintenance and cleaning instructions are not met.
If this product is resold as new in another country, the present notice should be trans-
lated in the language of the country of destination.
Important information
Performance during technical inspections:
Static resistance of the product: > 15 kN
Protection Class:
3. Risk of fatal fall.
When installing the product in your adventure park, you should ensure, in areas where
there is a risk of fall from heights, that the users can not fit the connectors to a tool, a
magnet, a metallic magnetisable element or a free cable end other than the lifeline itself.
The accessible metallic anchor points must comply with the 15-567-1 (2014) standard
on safety anchor points.
Also make sure the user properly connects their two connectors to the lifeline at the
start of the course.
The various cases of wrong use shown in this notice are not exhaustive. There are many
other possible wrong uses which can not be listed here.
This product is exclusively designed for leisure activities at heights. This product is not
intended to limit, in itself, the deceleration of the fall of the user, as defined in the EN
15567-1 standard (6g maximum). For this requirement, the complete safety line, installa-
tion and fixation must be taken into account.
If this product is used in combination with other safety products, the user should
carefully read the notice before use. The individual safety features of a product may be
modified when this product is combined with another product.
Learning the specific techniques and competencies is required to use this product. This
product should only be used by competent persons, or the user should be supervised by
a competent person.
Non compliance with these rules may lead to serious or fatal injuries.
The owners of this product is responsible for their own actions and decisions, as well as
transmitting these recommendations to third parties.
6. Caution
Climbing and using personal protective equipment carry inherent risks, regardless of the
safety equipment being used. Falls of any kind can lead to serious injury or death.
Among other risks, neck entrapment is one of the risks inherent to this activity.
There are many factors that have to be taken into consideration and contribute to raising
or lowering the risk of neck entrapment, including but not limited to the following:
Hardware : Design of the park, PPE
Operation : Fitting PPE to participant, training of the staff, briefing, supervision, quality of
rescue / evacuation.
Design of the park
The height of the lifeline must be evaluated in the entire park in order to ensure that the
length of the lanyard is appropriate throughout the park. Varying heights can lead to
incompatibilities and therefore bear risks.
When climbing using a vertical lifeline, (fall-stop , Tarzan’s swing…), the anchor point