With the wing mounted to the fuselage, use a ruler to measure the
distance between the tips of the stabilizer and the tips of the wing. Pivot
the front of the stabilizer until both of these measurements are equal.
When you're satisfied that the stabilizer is square to the wing, use a
pencil to draw a mark on each side of the front of the stabilizer where
it and the fuselage sides meet, then use a T-Pin to hold the stabilizer
firmly in place and aligned.
With the stabilizer held firmly in place, look from the front of the
airplane at both the wing and the stabilizer. When aligned properly, the
stabilizer should be parallel to the wing.
If the stabilizer is not parallel to the wing, remove it and use 220 grit sandpaper with a sanding block to sand down the higher
side of the stabilizer mounting slot, then reinstall the stabilizer and check the alignment once more. Repeat this procedure until
you are satisfied with the alignment.
When both of these measurements are equal, you're assured that the stabilizer is square to the wing.
When satisfied with the alignment, use a pencil to draw a line on
each side of the stabilizer where it meets the fuselage sides. Do this on
both the top and the bottom.
Continued On Next Page