Cisco VG202 and Cisco VG204 Voice Gateways Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Using the setup Command Facility
Using the setup Command Facility
Using the setup Command Facility
The setup command facility is displayed in your PC terminal emulation program window.
To create a basic configuration for your Cisco VG, do the following:
Complete the steps in the
“Configuring Global Parameters” section on page 2-2
Complete the steps in the
“Completing the Configuration” section on page 2-5
If you make a mistake while using the setup command facility, you can exit and run the facility again.
, and enter
at the enable mode prompt (
Configuring Global Parameters
Step 1
Plug in the external power supply.
Messages begin to appear in your terminal emulation program window.
The voice gateway will not enter setup mode during the initial configuration. During initial
configuration, the voice gateway boots up in auto-configuration. Using the setup command can only be
used to configure the voice gateway manually after initial configuration. Using the setup command
during the initial configuration will result in erasing the default config and must be avoided.
Do not press any keys on the keyboard until the messages stop
. Any keys pressed during this time are
interpreted as the first command typed when the messages stop, which might cause the Cisco VG to
power off and start over. It takes a few minutes for the messages to stop.
The messages look similar to the following example.
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: n
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
*Apr 21 14:23:38.051: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console. Reload Reason: Reload
System Bootstrap, Version 12.4(20080415:092610)
[anyname-VG.V124_19_9_2_PIA9.14582.ios.sync 102], DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) 1994-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
VG202 platform with 131072 Kbytes of main memory
Upgrade ROMMON initialized
program load complete, entry point: 0x80020000, size: 0x1437d40
Self decompressing the image:
################################# [OK]
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