Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Sensor CLI Configuration Guide for IPS 5.0
Chapter 17 Upgrading, Downgrading, and Installing System Images
Upgrading the Sensor
Step 7
Verify your new sensor version:
show version
Application Partition:
Cisco Intrusion Prevention System, Version 5.0(1)S149.0
OS Version 2.4.26-IDS-smp-bigphys
Platform: AIP-SSM-20
Serial Number: 021
No license present
Sensor up-time is 5 days.
Using 490110976 out of 1984704512 bytes of available memory (24% usage)
system is using 17.3M out of 29.0M bytes of available disk space (59% usage)
application-data is using 37.7M out of 166.6M bytes of available disk space (24 usage)
boot is using 40.5M out of 68.5M bytes of available disk space (62% usage)
MainApp 2005_Mar_04_14.23 (Release) 2005-03-04T14:35:11-0600 Running
AnalysisEngine 2005_Mar_04_14.23 (Release) 2005-03-04T14:35:11-0600 Running
CLI 2005_Mar_04_14.23 (Release) 2005-03-04T14:35:11-0600
Upgrade History:
IDS-K9-maj-5.0-1- 14:16:00 UTC Thu Mar 04 2004
Recovery Partition Version 1.1 - 5.0(1)S149
Upgrading the Recovery Partition
Use the
command to upgrade the recovery partition with the most recent version so that it is
ready if you need to recover the application partition on your sensor.
Recovery partition images are generated for major and minor software releases and only in rare
situations for service packs or signature updates.
To upgrade the recovery partition the sensor must already be running version 5.0(1) or later.
To upgrade the recovery partition on your sensor, follow these steps:
Step 1
Download the recovery partition image file (IPS-K9-r-1.1-a-5.0-1.pkg) to an FTP, SCP, HTTP, or HTTPS
server that is accessible from your sensor.
For the procedure for locating software on Cisco.com, see
Obtaining Cisco IPS Software, page 18-1
Some browsers add an extension to the filename. The filename of the saved file must match what is
displayed on the download page or you cannot use it to upgrade the recovery partition.