Copies selected row.
Shortcut key:
Ctrl+C, Alt E + C
New / Edit Device:
Adds description, edits
dev ice or barcode num ber
or creates new dev ice.
Shortcut key:
Alt E + N
Cuts selected row.
Shortcut key:
Ctrl+X, Alt E + U
Insert / Edit comment:
Inserts row with com m ent or
edit existed com m ent.
Shortcut key:
Alt E + O
Paste last cut or copied row.
Shortcut key:
Ctrl+V, Alt E + P
Save table:
To sav e edited table.
Shortcut key:
Alt F+S
Deletes selected row (after
delete paste is not av ailable).
Shortcut key:
Delete, Alt E + S
Export to clipboard:
Exports selected rows on
Shortcut key:
Alt E
Mark / Unmark row:
Marks or unm arks im portant
Shortcut key:
Alt E + D
Prints open data fille.
Shortcut key:
Alt F + P
ReArrange numbers:
Rearranges from top to
bottom dev ice and m em ory
num bers (often used after
editing table).
Shortcut key:
Alt E + R
Main window:
Jum ps to m ain window
without closing.
Shortcut key:
Alt F + M
Jum ps on next row with error
v alue.
Shortcut key:
Alt E + S
Closes window and return to
m ain window.
Shortcut key:
Alt F + C
Table. 2. Fast access buttons
The user can insert a new row with comment or edit existing comments (Insert / Edit comment button). To export measurement
to other programs, the user can use Export to clipboard option (Copy / Paste commands do not work with Windows clipboard).
Note: only selected rows will be exported.