How to carry out the measurement
STEP 1. Set rotary switch to ISO (insulation resistance) position, the following heading is displayed
N o m in al te s t v o lta g e
M e a s u re d te s t v o lta g e
T h re sh old in s u la tio n resis ta n c e
S e t tim er v a lu e
T im er k e y to se t tim e r
v a lu e o r to s w itc h it o n /o ff
R m in k e y to se t
th re s h o ld in s u la tio n re sis ta n c e
In s u la tio n
re sis ta nc e
U n k e y to se t
n o m in a l te s t v o lta g e
Fig. 21. Basic heading in ISO function
STEP 2. Select test parameters as follows:
Insulation resistance threshold
Press Rmin key in order to reach menu for selection of insulation resistance threshold, see the following figure.
Fig. 22. Insulation resistance threshold selection menu
keys to select appropriate threshold value. If the displayed result is lower than the set threshold limit value,
it will be accompanied by an error sound signal (after completion of the measurement). There will be no threshold value
selected and no sound signal will be activated if «*** M
» sign is selected instead of threshold limit.
Press Exit key to exit Insulation resistance threshold selection menu.
Test voltage
Use Un key to select appropriate test voltage (250V
, 500V
or 1000V
Timer value
See instructions on how to set the value in paragraph 4.1. STEP 2.
Timer ON/OFF
See instruction in paragraph 4.1. STEP 2.
STEP 3. Connect test probes to the instrument and to equipment to be tested as shown in figure below:
U :
R :
2 5 0 V, 5 0 0 V o r 1 0 0 0 V
0 .......1 G
1 .4 m A m a x
Fig. 23. Connection of test leads