The following are example setups for the gate operator. Your specific site requirements may be different. Always setup the operator system to the site
requirements, including all necessary entrapment protection devices.
One to four residential homes sharing a gated entrance/exit, allowing vehicle access trumps security concerns
A residential community (more than four homes) having one or more gated entrances/exits, allowing
vehicle access trumps security concerns
Business site where security (gate closed) is important
Large business site where security is required
Quick Close switch
Normally set to OFF. Normal
gate close (timer or control).
Normally set to OFF. Normal gate
close (timer or control).
Normally set to OFF. Normal gate
close (timer or control).
Set to ON, so that gate closes
immediately after vehicle passes
CLOSE EYES/Interrupt loop.
AC Fail Open switch
Normally set to BATT. Run on
battery if AC power fails.
Normally set to BATT. For local
jurisdiction requirement, set to OPEN
so that the gate will open
approximately 15 seconds after AC
power fail.
Normally set to BATT. Run on
battery if AC power fails.
Normally set to BATT. Run on
battery if AC power fails.
Low Battery switch
Normally set to OPEN. If
powered from battery and
battery is low, gate
automatically opens and stays
Normally set to OPEN. If powered
from battery and battery is low, gate
automatically opens and stays open.
Normally set to CLOSE. If
powered from battery and
battery is low, gate stays closed.
Normally set to CLOSE. If
powered from battery and battery
is low, gate stays closed.
Anti-Tail switch
Normally set to OFF. CLOSE
EYES/Interrupt loop reverses
a closing gate.
Normally set to OFF. CLOSE EYES/
Interrupt loop reverses a closing gate.
Set to ON. In attempt to prevent
vehicle tail-gating, CLOSE EYES/
Interrupt loop pauses a closing
Set to ON. In attempt to prevent
vehicle tail-gating, CLOSE EYES/
Interrupt loop pauses a closing
Bipart Delay switch
For DUAL-GATE site, set to
ON for gate that delays upon
For DUAL-GATE site, set to ON for
gate that delays upon opening.
For DUAL-GATE site, set to ON
for gate that delays upon
For DUAL-GATE site, set to ON
for gate that delays upon opening.
Aux Relay Out –
Open Limit Switch
Typically not required.
Use with SAMS (Sequence Access
Management System).
1) Use with SAMS (Sequence
Access Management System).
2) Connect “Gate Open” indicator
(e.g. light).
1) Use with SAMS (Sequence
Access Management System).
2) Connect “Gate Open” indicator
(e.g. light).
Aux Relay Out –
Close Limit Switch
Typically not required.
Typically not required.
Connect “Gate Close/Secure”
indicator (e.g. light).
Connect “Gate Close/Secure”
indicator (e.g. light).
Aux Relay Out –
Gate Motion
Attach alert signal (audible or
visual alert system).
Attach alert signal (audible or visual
alert system).
Attach alert signal (audible or
visual alert system).
Attach alert signal (audible or
visual alert system).
Aux Relay Out –
Pre-Motion Delay
Attach alert signal (audible or
visual alert system).
Attach alert signal (audible or visual
alert system).
Attach alert signal (audible or
visual alert system).
Attach alert signal (audible or
visual alert system).
Aux Relay Out –
Attach visual alert to know
when system is charging
batteries (i.e. not running on
Attach visual alert to know when
system is charging batteries (i.e. not
running on batteries).
Attach visual alert to know when
system is charging batteries (i.e.
not running on batteries).
Attach visual alert to know when
system is charging batteries (i.e.
not running on batteries).
Aux Relay Out –
(Slide Gates Only)
Attach alert signal (audible or
visual alert system) to
indicate if gate is manually
tampered with by being
pushed off of close limit.
Attach alert signal (audible or visual
alert system) to indicate if gate is
manually tampered with by being
pushed off of close limit.
Attach alert signal (audible or
visual alert system) to indicate if
gate is manually tampered with
by being pushed off of close
Attach alert signal (audible or
visual alert system) to indicate if
gate is manually tampered with
by being pushed off of close limit.
Cycle Quantity
Use during servicing only to
determine operator cycles.
Use during servicing only to determine
operator cycles.
Use during servicing only to
determine operator cycles.
Use during servicing only to
determine operator cycles.
Fire Dept Open
Typically not required.
Connect emergency access system
(Knox box switch, SOS system, etc.).
Typically not required.
Typically not required.
Heater Accessory
(Model HTR)
The heater keeps the gearbox
and batteries at a suitable
temperature when the outside
temperature is below -4°F.
The thermostat MUST be set
between 45°F and 60°F to
ensure proper gate operation.
The heater keeps the gearbox and
batteries at a suitable temperature
when the outside temperature is below
-4°F. The thermostat MUST be set
between 45°F and 60°F to ensure
proper gate operation.
The heater keeps the gearbox
and batteries at a suitable
temperature when the outside
temperature is below -4°F. The
thermostat MUST be set between
45°F and 60°F to ensure proper
gate operation.
The heater keeps the gearbox and
batteries at a suitable temperature
when the outside temperature is
below -4°F. The thermostat MUST
be set between 45°F and 60°F to
ensure proper gate operation.