SpaceKeeper Cons ole (SKC) – Ins tallation Operation Maintenance Manual
To avoid fouled machinery, extens ive unit clean up, and void warranty, do not operate
units without air filters in place, and do not operate units during the cons truction
phas e.
The CGC Group Hybrid Heat Pump provides year round cooling and heating as
controlled by the unit thermostat, or by a direct digital controller.
The Hybrid Heat Pump provides cooling with a water-cooled refrigeration circuit, and
provides heating us ing a hydronic coil. The compres s or operates in the cooling mode
only and shuts down during the heating mode - providing for quieter operation,
extended compres s or life, and a reduction in energy consumption.
To ens ure correct operation, centralized equipment located within the building
mechanical room is configured to automatically provide each heat pump with water
at the appropriate temperature.
Board Description
The unit’s electronic circuit board incorporates s ix relay outputs with the following
functions :
K1 – Auxiliary relay for cooling valve on a two-valve unit, or heat valve on a
dehumidification unit.
K2 – Heating Relay
K3 – Alarm Relay
K4 – Compres sor Relay
K5 – Low Fan or Fan Relay for belt drive units
K6 – High Fan or Compres s or #2 on belt drive units
Each of thes e relays are connected in parallel to a
LED indicator that lights up
when the relay is energized.
The circuit board incorporates digital inputs that are opto-coupled to a 24V AC s ource.
Thes e have amber LED indicators located near the input locations which are litwhenthe
input is clos ed. The inputs include:
High Pres s ure Switch
Low Pres s ure Switch
Heat Call (W on thermos tat terminal)
Cool Call (Y on thermos tat terminal)