SpaceKeeper Cons ole (SKC) – Ins tallation Operation Maintenance Manual
receptacle plate to the floor, through the two mounting slots found on the
lower lip of the plate.
6. Firmly grasp the front panel cover of the cons ole and remove it by lifting it up
and away from the heat pump unit.
7. With the front panel cover removed, locate the three fluid hos es that are
attached to the unit’s s upply, return, and condens ate connections . Carefully
remove thes e hoses . The s upply and return hos es have swivel connectors .
The condens ate hos e has a hos e clamp.
8. Permanently affix the threaded end of the supply and return hos es (NOT the
s wivel connector) to the building’s s upply and return lines which protrude
through the piping-and-receptacle plate. Slide condens ate hos e over
condens ate line and attach with hose clamp s upplied.
9. Pos ition the heat pump unit agains t the wall and over the piping-and-
receptacle plate. Make s ure to center the unit along the center-line marker
which is engraved into the plate.
10. The three hos es that have been affixed to the building’s s upply, return, and
condens ate piping s hould at this point be acces s ible through the bottom of
the heat pump unit. Us ing the s wivel connectors , re-connect the s upply and
return hoses to the appropriate locations on the heat pump unit. Attach
condens ate hos e to drain pan of unit and attach with hos e clamp provided.
11. Next affix the heat pump unit to the back wall through the mounting holes
us ing appropriately s ized s crews . A screwdriver extens ion may be required in
order to work around the fan. For plates with fres h air damper option connect
the two wires with s pade terminals from the unit to the damper terminals .
12. If further support is neces s ary, two additional mounting holes can be
acces s ed by removing the unit’s cabinet cover. In order to unfasten this
cover, two s crews – one located on each s ide of the unit – mus t be removed.
The two additional mounting holes will be located in the top left and right
corners .
13. Connect the room temperature s ens or to the electrical panel as indicated on
the wiring diagram. Plug the unit’s electrical cord into the s upply outlet that
is located behind the unit.
14. Re-attach the heat pump unit’s cabinet cover (if applicable), and front
panel cover. Ins tallation of the unit is now complete.