SpaceKeeper Cons ole (SKC) – Ins tallation Operation Maintenance Manual
Cool Operation
Monitoring of the refrigerant cycle continues during operation of the
compres s or. The following malfunctions will caus e the compress or to
s hutdown:
a. If the head pres sure exceeds the s et point of the high pres s ure s witch,
the s witch will open and the control board will terminate compres s or
operation within 10 s econds . At this time a flas h code of 6 will be
initiated on the red diagnos tic LED 15. Compres s or operation will be
res tored in accordance with the “Intelligent Res et Algorithm” (see
b. If the s uction pres s ure drops below the s et point of the low pres s ure
s witch, the s witch will open; if it remains open beyond the 5 minute
ignore period which is initiated upon s tart up, compres s or operation
will be terminated within 10 seconds. Compres s or operation will be
res tored in accordance with the “Intelligent Res et Algorithm”. A flas h
code of 5 on the red diagnos tic LED will be initiated at this time.
c. Intelligent Res et Algorithm – If a low or high pres sure s witch opens and
remains open for more than 10 minutes , a hard lockout will be initiated
and the cooling mode will be locked off until the controls are manually
res et. At the s ame time the fault relay K3 will be set to alarm; however,
if the open s witch clos es within 10 minutes, a res tart cycle is initiated.
The res tart cycle begins with a 10 minute delay after which if there is a
cool call in place and all other enablers are within the start parameters ,
the compres s or will again be put into operation. Should either of the
press ure switches open again, the s hutdown procedure will cycle again,
followed by a restart. The intelligent res et algorithm will allow two
open s witch s hutdowns and res tarts within a 24 hour period - a third
s hutdown within 24 hours will put the refrigeration s ys tem into a full
and hard lockout, requiring a power down to res et. If two or less open
s witch s hutdowns occur within a 24 hour period, they will be eras ed
from memory and will not contribute to a future hard lockout. (A hard
lockout will prevent compres s or operation until the controls are
powered down for at leas t 20 seconds and the green power light goes
out. A s oft lockout is a compres s or s hutdown that will be res tored once
the condition caus ing the s hutdown returns to normal.)
d. During compres s or operation, refrigerant temperature, s ys tem fluid
temperature, and dis charge air temperature are continuous ly
monitored. If the
refrigerant temperature
drops below 40
F, compres s or
operation will be dis abled. After 10 minutes , an auto reset occurs and
the compres s or will be enabled as s oon as the temperature rises above
F. Actual compres s or res tart will be delayed a minimum of 5 minutes