Changing the Link Password
Chapter 8
FA4800 User Manual
Release 1.9.30
Changing the Link Password
This item is only available when the link is down. Otherwise, it works the
same way as the corresponding item on
page 5-8
FibeAir2000 Manager Community Strings
The ODU communicates with the FibeAir2000 Manager using SNMPv1 pro-
tocol. The protocol defines three types of communities:
• Read-Only for retrieving information from the ODU
• Read-Write to configure and control the ODU
• Trap used by the ODU to issue traps.
The Community string must be entered at log on. The user must know the
password and the correct Community string to gain access to the system. A
user may have read-only privileges.
It is not possible to manage the ODU if the read-write or the read Commu-
nity values are forgotten. A new Community value may be obtained from
Ceragon Customer Support for the purpose of setting new Community. You
must also have available the serial number or the MAC address of the ODU.
The read-write Community strings and read-only Community strings have a
minimum of five alphanumeric characters. (bru1 and bru4097 are not per-
mitted). Changing the trap Community is optional and is done by clicking
the check box.
Editing Community Strings
The Community change dialog box is available from the Configuration |
Security tab. Both read-write and read-only communities must be defined.
On logging on for the first time, use the following as the current Commu-
• For Read-Write Community, use
• For Read-Only Community, use
• For Trap Community, use
To change a Community string:
1. From the Configuration dialog box, choose the Security tab.
2. Type the current read-write Community (default is
3. Choose the communities to be changed by clicking the check box.
4. Type the new Community string and re-type to confirm. A community
string must contain at least five and no more than 32 characters exclud-
ing SPACE, TAB, and any of “>#@|*?;."
5. Click OK to save.