Hardware Installation
ORACLE Maintenance consists of a variety of tests that validate and check system functionality. By running
Certified Reference Materials (CRM), performing routine maintenance tests, or checking system hardware
and processes via diagnostics, the ORACLE software has the ability to give users confidence in the system’s
performance, and reduce down time in the event of an issue.
• The “qc tests” tab allows the user to ensure total system functionality; verified using Certified Reference
Materials, sealed check standard tubes, and short and long term magnet stability
• The “diagnostics” tab allows the user to run a number of tests to ensure the hardware and software
components are all functioning within each parameters specified range.
• The “Setup” tab provides the initial system setup for the ORACLE system.
• The “History” tab will display results from QC Tests, Diagnostics, and Setup.
Any other system settings will be located in the Settings tab, including adjustment to the screen brightness,
volume, screensavers, and service tools for advanced system troubleshooting.