Sample Preparation
Sample Preparation
Proper product sampling and preparation are critical to achieving optimal accuracy and precision using an ORACLE.
Each sample has a unique composition, and therefore may require a unique preparation and application process.
Listed below guidelines to optimize every analysis.
Proper sampling of any product type is necessary for a rapid analysis that accurately represents the entire
production batch or line. Many standard procedures have been developed specific to each sample type by various
agencies such as AOAC, USDA, or ASTM. Please reference each agency for the correct procedure before moving
forward with analysis on an ORACLE.
Sample preparation should be practiced to ensure a homogeneous sample is being analyzed. As with any chemical
analysis, a homogeneous sample leads to a more representative test, and better results when comparing duplicate
results or reference chemistry.
Sample preparation can entail physical or chemical changes to the sample to improve analysis. If using a SMART
6, please contact the CEM Corporation Process Application group, or review the method note for the sample found
at www.cem.com/SMART_6/resource_library.
Consistent sample weight helps ensure precision and accuracy. While sample size can vary from 1.0 grams to 5.0
grams depending on the type of product being tested, repeatability within the same sample is important to avoid
burning or under-drying of a sample. All moisture methods, either using a SMART 6 or a reference analysis, List an
acceptable weight range that should be followed for every analysis to optimize results.
Glass Fiber Pads
The ORACLE uses CEM certified glass fiber sample pads to assist in rapid and accurate testing. The pads are
specially designed to support the sample being tested without absorbing heat, but remaining porous enough to let
moisture freely evaporate.
• Liquid samples (typically above 25% moisture) typically use 2 glass fiber sample pads to help retain heat
in the sample and avoid splattering during the heating process.
• Dry samples (typically under 25% moisture) only require a single glass fiber sample pad for the analysis.
Trac Film
Every sample analyzed in the ORACLE must be wrapped in the proprietary Trac Film. The film ensures that no
sample is lost during the sample preparation procedure outlined in the “Sample Preparation using the ORACLE
Station” section, as well as protects the ORACLE tubes from incurring buildup of fat or oil over time. The film was
developed specifically for this purpose, and is manufactured with materials that will not interfere with the NMR
process. Not using the Trac Film can lead to inaccurate results, as well as a voidance of the system’s warranty or
service contract.