ORACLE Batch Testing with an Air or Vacuum Oven
ORACLE Batch Testing with an Air or Vacuum Oven
Before beginning any sample testing, ensure the product has been fully and properly prepared in order to obtain
the best results. Improper sample preparation or tempering can reduce accuracy and repeatability. For further
information on sample preparation, please refer to the standard reference procedure, or contact CEM Corporation
Process Application Support (800) 726-3331.
Batch testing is a procedure for temperature conditioning multiple samples simultaneously, followed by a rapid
NMR analysis on each individual sample after they have been conditioned for a set period of time. This process is
best suited for users with a large number of samples, and a work flow that requires less hands-on time from the
user, but may take longer over the course of testing every sample. The samples should only be dried using AOAC
approved (or similar) techniques to ensure complete sample dryness prior to analysis in the ORACLE. Failure to
completely dry the sample can lead to inaccurate readings by the ORACLE.
When testing with an Air Oven, the user can choose to use a balance connected to the ORACLE to record the initial
weights of the samples that will be analyzed, or use a separate balance to record the initial weights and manually
input them into the ORACLE after the sample moisture is recorded.
Sample Preparation and Analysis
If the samples have not been placed in the Air Oven to begin drying, do so now. See “Sample Preparation”
section for detailed information on preparing samples before ORACLE analysis.
On the ORACLE, press the “Main Menu” icon followed by Run.
Press the large Run arrow to begin the sample analysis procedure.
On the Sample Name page, the specific details for the upcoming analysis can be entered:
• SAMPLE ID provides an identifier to best represent the sample that will be analyzed. If each sample
needs a unique Sample ID, that can be set in the next screen. The Sample ID can be manually entered or
populated using the bar code scanner that is supplied with every ORACLE.
• BATCHING should be turned Batch, and toggled to the number of samples that will be analyzed in this
upcoming batch.
Users who have already stored sample weights in another database can select the import button located
in the top left of the screen to import the sample ID’s and weights for the samples ready to analyze. The
data must be stored in a .csv format to import. For more information contact CEM Corporation.
• AUTO INCREMENT will assign an incremental number to the end of the Sample ID. This can be toggled ON
or OFF to fit the user’s needs.