Hardware Installation
ORACLE Station Installation
Place the roll of Trac film on the roller.
Place the roller and Trac film in the ORACLE Station so that the film will roll forward.
Place the ORACLE tubes in the openings of the back of the ORACLE Station.
Place the sample tamper into one of the openings on the top of the ORACLE Station.
Place the sample removal tool into the clips on the right side of the ORACLE Station (facing unit).
Heater Block Installation
Every ORACLE will be supplied with a high precision CEM heater block to use for the temperature conditioning of
samples or the heating of the various standards that are used to confirm the ORACLE’s functionality.
Unbox the heater block and place it near the ORACLE, either on a shelf or the benchtop.
Plug the heater block into a standard wall outlet.
Power the heater block on, and use the arrows to set the temperature to 44.2 °
Place the Oil Standard and Normalization Standard into the heater block. The heater block should remain on at
all times to ensure consistent heating of these standard tubes.
Barcode Scanner Installation
Unbox the scanner and stand, following the included directions to connect the cable to the scanner and as-
semble the stand in a convenient area near the ORACLE system.
Plug the barcode scanner into any of the remaining USB outlets on the back of the Processor Box. Once con-
nected, the scanner is immediately ready to begin transmitting information to the ORACLE system.