5) You can enter weight units up to 3 letters.
(For example, kilogram (kg) consists of 'k' and 'g'. Enter k (107) in first letter and g (103) in second letter.)
6) After inputting the entire weight unit signs, the display shows "WEiGH ForMAt 0."
7) You can choose 0 (NO use) or 1 (Yes use) by pressing PRT/* key finish up inputting weight unit signs.
2) Changing Unit price of weight unit sings
1) The display shows "SiGn".
2) Press 2 key and the display shows "PriCE SiGn C1 0"
3) Enter the first weight sign letter of unit price by using ASCII CODE.
4) Repeat #3 to enter the second to fifth weight sign letter of Unit Price by using ASCII CODE.
5) You can enter up to 5 weight sign letters for Unit Price.
For example, the kilogram (Kg) consist of "k" and "g" therefore you need to type k(107) in
first letter and g(103) for second letter.
6) After inputting unit price the display shows "PriCE ForMAt 0."