4.7.7 Programming the Auto Print Function (SET #7)
The auto print function is used to determine when an automatic buffered label should be printed or buffered.
The number stored in auto print is a weight value which is equal to the amount of stabilized positive weight
variance needed to print or buffer a label. For example, if the auto print value is set to “0.100”, then the scale
will automatically print a label when the weight changes by 0.100g and stabilizes.
How to program auto print function
1) To go to PROGRAM mode, press 1 by using numeric keys and MODE key.
2) Press
key five times.
3) The WEIGHT display shows “SEt”.
4) Press PRT/* key, “SEt EntEr”.
5) Press 7 key and PRT/* key.
6) The display shows “AUtoP EntEr 100”.
7) The number in the Total Price display represents the weight sensitivity number by which your scale
calculates auto print. The default is “0.100”. Enter the weight sensitivity number by using numeric keys.
8) Press PRT/* key. The display shows “SEt”.
9) If you wish to finish PROGRAM mode, press C key.