Wheel balancer 80-2000T. Operation Manual
10.2.7 WARNING! It’s not allowed to operate the machine if the value of the «Safe start-
up» is «no». Set the value «no» of the «Safe start-up» only for the duration of maintenance,
observing all necessary safety rules!
10.3 Instructions for emergency cases
10.3.1 If an emergency situation in tire fitting area occurs, immediately de-energize the
10.3.2 Conduct further actions in accordance with the safety instructions established on
the Customer’s plant.
11.1 Storage
Whenever the machine is to be stored temporarily and during periods in which it is not in
use, remove the electrical plug from the socket.
If the storage period does not exceed 1 month, the machine shall be stored in the
enclosed space under the ambient tempe10° - +35°C, and relative air humidity not more
than 80% (under the tempe25°C). The air shall be free from impurities, which can cause
In case of impossibility of providing the abovementioned conditions, the machine shall be
stored in the manufacturer’s packing or in the package similar to the manufacturer’s.
To prepare the machine to the long-term storage, clean and degrease the shaft extension
with gasoline or white spirit. After the complete dryout of the solvent, coat the shaft with a flash
of grease and wrap it in water-proof packing paper. Cover the machine with polyethylene film.
If the storage period exceeds 1 month, the machine shall be stored in the enclosed space
with natural ventilation under the ambient temperature from -50° to +50°C and the relative air
humidity not more than 90% (under the tempe20°C) with no moisture condensation.
11.2 Transportation
11.2.1 The packed machine can be conveyed in covered transport (railway cars,
containers, covered motors) under the temperature -50° to +50°C.
11.2.2 If conveyed by water transport, the packed machine shall be transported in
waterproof cover.
11.2.3 Effect the transportation, loading and discharge carefully; do not turn the container
over; do not put the container on its edge; avoid blows. If the machine is unpacked, avoid
applying force to the spindle.
11.3 Information on recycling
The wheel balancer is categorized as special refuse and it should therefore be divided into
homogenous parts and disposed of according to the laws in force.