Wheel balancer 80-2000T. Operation Manual
4.3 Control and display elements
Figure 4.8 shows control console and the example of display image.
1 - information field; 2 - current state; 3 - main field; 4 - panel of key names; 5 - soft keys icons; 6 - soft
keys; 7 - shaft stop key; 8 - shaft start and imbalance measurement key
Figure 4.8
The information field 1 is located in the upper part of the display. Meanings of the
information field icons:
The icons «Weights setting scheme» and «Operator No» are always activated and show
the current state.
The rest icons indicate the mode and sign state. Contrast icon indicates activated sign or
mode, pale icon indicates deactivated sign or mode.
There are five soft keys 6 on a keyboard. Meaning of the soft keys depends on machine
state. Each soft key's function is shown on the display as a text message and as an icon above
the soft key.
Some functions of the soft keys are described below:
- execute a menu item, finalize parameters change and save the changes;
- weights setting scheme and unrounded weights values;
- diagnostic message sign;
- wheel type: motor-car;
- wheel type: truck-car;
- adaptor compensation mode;
- SmartALU mode sign;
- operator No.