Wheel balancer 80-2000T. Operation Manual
8.1.3 Null threshold (truck): 15…45
This item is for setting the null threshold for truck-car wheels.
If the rated weight mass is lower than the null threshold, then the indicator will display "0”.
For example, if the threshold is fixed equal to 30 grams, then with the weights mass from 1 to
29 grams the indicator will display “0”.
Nulling acts only if the rounding mode is ON.
Default value – 15.
8.1.4 Safety start: yes, no
If the value is «yes» then the imbalance measurement start-up is possible only with the
lowered cover.
WARNING! It’s not allowed to operate the machine if the value of the «Safety start» is «no».
Set the value «no» of the «Safety start» only for the duration of maintenance, observing all necessary
safety rules!
Default value - yes.
8.1.5 Stick-on weight setting: 6 h, 12 h
Selection of the stick-on weight setting method.
Setting the stick-on weight into «12 h» position is a traditional method. The method is not
convenient due to the fact that the place of the weight setting inside the wheel is seen poorly.
Setting to the position «6 h» allows to make cleaning of the weight setting point and set the
weight when the wheel in one position.
Default value: «12 h»
8.1.6 SmartALU: yes, no
Switches SmartALU mode on/off. Described in detail in 7.1.
Default value: no.
8.1.7 Autoswitch to the «New wheel»: yes, no
Allows automatic transition into the «New wheel» state after "0" imbalance on both planes.
Default value: yes.
8.2 Shaft: Testing and calibration
Despite high accuracy of the machine its components have a small own imbalance. Shaft
calibration excludes any influence of own imbalance upon measurements.
8.2.1 Shaft calibration testing
Testing should be performed minimum 1 time per months in the motor-car mode and truck-
car mode.
While testing the imbalance sensors use precise (unrounded) imbalance values, displayed
in the information filed or disable the rounding in advance (8.1.1).
Remove all accessories from the shaft. Fulfill 3…5 imbalance measurements without the
registration of results. Fulfil three imbalance measurements with the registration of results. The
average imbalance values shouldn’t exceed 1 g on each side. Otherwise, it’s necessary to fulfill
the shaft calibration.