G38xx14 Configuration Software
The channel generator checks the lower limit value as the first. If the condition for switching
is fulfilled, the upper limit value is no longer compared. Thereby it is prevented that entry of
a wrong hysteresis will lead to malfunction.
Second pair of limit values
Selected by checking the Enable Limit 2 checkbox and can be used to perform night setback
in connection with heating control. This pair of limit values has priority as soon as
transmission takes place on the Enable channel.
Entry of Disable channel/Flag
Setting of Control output
Thereby the channel can simultaneously be used to switch for instance a relay coded to the
same channel. When this option is selected, the analog value cannot be transmitted for
display via this channel!
Inversion of switching function
The switching function can be inverted in relation to the limit values.
Is selected when the Analink value is to come from another Analink channel
Measuring Channel:
Indicates from what channel the alternative Analink value is coming.
Motion Detector
A PIR sensor is used to detect movements and operates as input for the control
Parameters: Off time: Hours, minutes, seconds from 0,0,0, to 99,59,59.
Use in Intruder alarm
The motion detector can serve as an alarm sensor in the Intruder alarm. When this
option is selected, a field appears for setting the no. of allowed pulses within a 10
secs time frame, before the motion detector gives out its alarm signal.
2000 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved.