G38xx14 Configuration Software
2000 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved.
SMS message sent to GSM-phone
Entering a phone
number enables an
SMS to be sent to that
number. Remember to
include country-code,
e.g. +45 in front of the
phone number. Up to 4
numbers can be called.
Select if an event causes a call to
all entered phone numbers
simultaneously, or call one
number at a time, until an
acknowledge-ment is received.
Once an acknowledgement is
received, no further calls are
made. Acknowledgement takes
place by
receipt of a message
from the called number.
Indicates the maximum time the
system will wait for a response
from a called number. If an answer
arrives from the called number
within this time, the event is
acknowledged, if not, the next
number will be called.
Optional entry to
identify the origin of
the SMS
The text in the Description field
will be sent, when Dupline
channel A1 goes ON.
It is not allowed to use (,) in the