Color Change Sequencer
The redesigned DynaFlow includes an optional color change
sequencer that controls the flush, load, and color change
sequences for each gun. Each time a job number is loaded
into a gun, the flush and load sequences are downloaded
to this controller. (A color change sequence is simply a
flush sequence followed by a load sequence.)
An optional color change sequencer may have been in-
cluded with the controller. If it was included, the F9 key
will indiacte as such. If the F9 key is blank, your system
does not have this option.
When this function is selected, the operator is first prompted
for the gun mumber they wish to view or edit the sequence
for, they are then prompted for which Job Number they wish
to view and/or edit the sequences of, and last, they are
asked if they want to view/edit the sequence for flushing or
filling. (There is a separate flush sequence and load se-
quence stored for every Job Number and for every gun.)
Once the operator responds to the previous prompts, a
screen similar to the one on the previous oage appears.
This chart displays a simple 6 step sequencer where the
user defines how long they wish each step to take and
which valves or signals should be energized at each one
of those steps. There are 6 steps for the flush cycle and 6
steps for the load cycle. When a color change is desired,
the sequencer automatically runs the flush sequence fol-
lowed by the load sequence.
LN-9400-00-R11 (08/2018)
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