4) Emergency manoeuvre
If the electronic programmer no longer responds to commands due to a
malfunction you may use the EMRG1 or EMRG2 inputs to move gate leaf
1 manually. The EMRG1 and EMRG2 inputs directly command the motor
relays without passing through the logic control.
Gate movement will be at reduced speed and the direction depends on the
installed position of the motor (left or right). The voltage at motor binding
posts 1 and 2 has the following polarity:
Command EMRG1: binding post 1 (+) binding post 2 (-)
Command EMRG2: binding post 1 (-) binding post 2 (+)
Attention! During the emergency manoeuvre all safety devices
are disabled and there is no gate positioning control: release the
commands before you are at the mechanical travel buffer. Only
use the emergency manoeuvre in cases of extreme necessity.
The electric lock (even if it is enabled) is not active. Therefore if an
electric lock is fitted it will have to be activated manually.
After you have carried out an emergency manoeuvre the electronic program-
mer will lose the position of the gate leaf (
on the display) and therefore
when normal operation is restored it will carry out an automatic repositioning
manoeuvre (see page 21).
This always effects gate 1; the limited opening space can be set (see display
menu) to 1/3, half, 2/3 or the entire opening distance for gate 1. The com-
mand can only be carried out with both gates completely closed; if dip 1 is
set to “OFF” and during opening you activate the “
TAL” command again
gate leaf 1 will block and when it receives the next command it will move in
the closing direction. At this point the command cannot be used again until
complete closure.
Binding posts “
9 ”,”10 ” are linked to a C-NO relay; this can be activated as a
“courtesy light” (the contact is closed by a timer) or as a second radio channel
by setting jumper
j5 to position 2. Binding posts “9 ”,”10” only give a potential
free contact; this means that the courtesy light will have to be powered by an
external circuit and the contact used as a simple switch.
This device allows devices connected to the electronic control unit to work
during blackouts.
• To indicate that the programmer is working off battery power when the
gate is completely closed a hyphen flowing around the perimeter of
the display will appear. If the battery is under charged a hyphen flow-
ing around the lower half of the display will appear. When the battery is
almost completely flat the symbol will appear and the programmer will
be blocked.
• When the gate is completely closed the controlled external devices (
30 vdc) do not receive power in order to increase the autonomy of the
battery. When a command is received however (via radio or via cable) the
programmer sends power to the controlled external devices and checks
their security status. It follows therefore that the command will be carried
out (security devices at rest) with a one second delay to give time to restore
the correct operation of the devices.
If after this period a security device is found to be in alarm the command
will not be carried out, power to the external devices will be cut off and
the programmer will return to stand-by.
Notes! If you wish to use an external receiver it must be wired to binding
posts 16-17 (pag. 8) otherwise a command sent via radio will not be able
to activate the gate.
• The self-sufficiency of the system when it is running on battery power
is dependent on the ambient conditions and on the load connected at
binding posts 16-17 (power is always routed there during blackouts).
• The battery charge time with batteries in good condition can take up to a
maximum of 15 hours. If the time required is greater you should consider
replacing the batteries. You are however advised to replace the batteries
every three years.
When the batteries are completely flat (during blackouts) the
programmer will lose the position of the gate/door and therefore
when power returns carry out the repositioning procedure (see
pag. 21). For this reason you should avoid leaving the electronic
programmer without power for lengthy periods (more than
two days).
• You cannot enter the programming mode when running off battery
Signal LEDs (page 8)
L2: lit when the current supplied by the battery charger is greater than the
battery maintenance level (about 50 mA).
L3: lit when the battery is not properly connected during blackouts.
The wires connecting the battery to the charger card must never
be short circuited, this would damage the battery, and in the
worst of cases could lead to burns (if metal parts are touching
the skin when the contact is made). Only connect them to the
Faston (j1) and make sure you respect the polarity. If the bat-
teries are damaged they could leak acid.
The batteries must only be installed/removed by qualified
personnel. Used batteries must not be thrown into domestic
rubbish bins and they must be disposed according to the local
standards and regulations in force.
Battery check
Move the gate to the completely closed position and the display will switch
off. Check that LED "
" (battery charging) is off.
Switch off the power at the mains and make sure that the symbol appears
on the display. Give a movement command and measure the overall voltage
for both batteries. The reading should be about 22 vdc.