ImageBrowser Software User Guide
Chapter 2
What is ImageBrowser?
This section describes the various parts of the Browser Window display.
Browser Area
This is the area where
thumbnails of images in
the selected folder are
Explorer View Section
Displays the disks and
folders that you can use
on your computer.
If you click the disclosure
triangle on the left edge
of the display, you can
switch between
collapsing and
expanding the contents
of that folder.
You can drag this line to change the position
of the boundary between the Explorer View
Section and the Browser Area.
Control Panel
This area contains buttons that allow
you to perform a variety of functions.
You can drag this part of
the frame to change the
size of the Browser
Image Name
This is where the file
name of each individual
image is displayed.
Understanding the Browser Window
• Images recorded in the Adobe RGB color space will appear
unsaturated when displayed in ImageBrowser. Color space
settings are only available on select camera models.