ImageBrowser Software User Guide
Chapter 2
What is ImageBrowser?
This chapter explains the various basic skills required to master
ImageBrowser. Let’s begin with an overview of the main features of
Connect the camera to a computer to:
• View an index of the images from the camera on the
computer monitor.
• Download images from the camera to the computer.
• View information about images stored in the camera, such as
the shooting date and camera settings.
• Use your computer to set up slide shows or DPOF print
settings (not available on some models).
• Save computer images onto your camera.
• Operate the shutter of a camera connected to a computer via
an interface cable to take pictures remotely. Or to perform
interval timer shooting after specifying an interval and the
number of images to be taken (only on models supporting
remote shooting).
• Convert RAW format images (change them to the TIFF or
JPEG format and resave them). Adjust the brightness,
contrast, color and other settings as you convert them. Some
camera models do not support RAW images.
Use the file management features to:
• Categorize, sort and manage image files on your computer
with easy procedures.
• Move or copy images.
• Perform simple editing such as cropping images or adjusting
their colors.
• Run a slide show displaying the images in sequence in full-
screen mode.
• Use the TimeTunnel feature to display images in a tunnel-like
arrangement in the order of their shooting dates.
• Create and edit movies, adding various effects: link movies
and still images, superimpose titles and other text, and add
background music (supported by Mac OS X only).
Use the My Camera Settings function to:
• Save the My Camera Settings in the computer to the camera
or vice versa.
• Manage newly created image and sound files as My Camera
• The start-up image, start-up sound, shutter sound, operation
sound and self-timer sound are collectively called the “My
Camera Settings.”
• The Canon CD-ROM supplied with your product contains
several prepared My Camera Settings files. These files are
automatically copied to your computer when you install
What Can ImageBrowser Do? (1/2)