PowerShot S40 / S30
Other Cameras
Please refer to the
Camera User Guide
bundled with your camera.
Prepare the camera for communication with the computer.
Turn the camera’s mode dial, main dial or mode switch to
PowerShot S40/S30
As soon as the camera is attached, it will automatically power up and
begin connecting. To shoot with RemoteCapture, ensure that you open
the camera’s lens cover.
With Windows, the driver software will install the first time (only) you
connect via the USB interface.
Precautions for Detaching the Cable
• Always hold down the Push button on the cable
or hold the connector by its sides when you
detach it from the camera’s Digital Terminal.
USB Cable
Camera End
Computer End
Digital Terminal
on the Camera
USB Port on
the Computer
Insert the connector so
that the symbol
faces the camera’s rear.
Example: PowerShot G2
PUSH Button