List of Error Messages/Warning Messages
Error Message
Error Content
Paper empty X
("X" represents number)
The paper has run out.
Or the paper is not fed.
Load a paper.
Paper Length different X
("X" represents number)
The length of the paper that is
set differs from the paper size
configured by the application
software or printer driver.
If the paper is different, replace
with the proper paper.
If the application software or
printer driver's configuration
is different, click on the Status
Monitor's [Cancel Print Job]
and print again after correctly
configuring the paper size.
Paper Width different
The width of the paper that is
set differs from the paper size
configured by the application
software or printer driver.
If the paper is different, replace
with the proper paper.
If wrong paper is loaded or the
paper guide is out of position,
replace with correct paper or
move the paper guide to the
correct position.
If the application software or
printer driver's configuration
is different, click on the Status
Monitor's [Cancel Print Job]
and print again after correctly
configuring the paper size.
Paper jam XX
("XX" represents numbers)
The transport area, rear feeder
slot, or paper delivery slot is
clogged with paper.
Remove the paper jam and
reload the paper.
If the same error occurs again,
update the printer drivers and
firmware to the latest versions.