About the Manuals
This User's Guide primarily describes the basic operation procedures for Windows (Windows 98, Windows 95
and Windows NT 4.0) users and Macintosh (iMac and Power Macintosh G3) users.
In addition to the User's Guide, the following manuals are also provided.
- Reference Guide (CD-ROM):
Describes detailed operation procedures of the printer for Windows and Macintosh users.
- Driver and Utility Guide for Windows Users (CD-ROM):
Describes how to use the printer driver, scanner driver and scanner utility program primarily for
Windows 98 and Windows 95 users. (For Windows NT users, a document file (NT_Guide320.doc) is
provided in the printer driver.)
- Driver and Utility Guide for Macintosh Users (book):
Describes how to use the printer driver, scanner driver and scanner utility program for Macintosh
If necessary, you can also refer to the on-line Help to learn more about software such as the printer driver.
In these manuals, the Microsoft Windows 98 operating system, Microsoft Windows 95 operating system and
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 operating system are referred to as Windows 98, Windows 95 and Windows NT
Every care has been taken in the preparation of the manuals, but if you should discover any errors or omis-
sions, we would be pleased to hear of them. If any error or omission is found, contact the manufacturer.
Refer to the Contact List provided with the printer for your nearest Canon office.
The manufacturer and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any results of operation of the product.
Software Operation
The manufacturer and its subsidiaries will assume no responsibility whatsoever for the effects of using this
manual or the associated software.
Unless specifically stated, nothing in this manual constitutes an intellectual property licence in respect of
the use of such software.
Copyright© 1999 CANON INC.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be transmitted or copied in any form whatsoever without the express written