Visit Us: Camplux.com
3330-A Marathon Ct Charleston, SC 29418
(844) 538-7475
B) A reference to the following footnote:
Clearance in accordance with local installation codes and the requirements of
the gas supplier.
A vent shall not terminate directly above a sidewalk or paved driveway that is
located between two single family dwellings and serves both dwellings.
Permitted only if veranda, porch, deck or balcony is fully open on a minimum of
two sides beneath the floor.
1. In accordance with the current CSA B129.1 propane installation code.
2. In accordance with the current ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 National fuel gas code.
Installing The Water Heater, Continued
Pipe Installation
Inlet pipe and outlet pipe installation
Use pressure resistant pipe to connect the inlet and outlet water pipes of the
water heater and the local water pipe (make sure to place the rubber ring). Before
connecting the inlet water pipe, flush the inside of the pipe.
1/4″ Per Feet Downward Slope
6″ Clearance
12“ Minimun
To Drain,Dispose Of
Condensate In Accrdance
To Local Codes
Typical Horizontal Termination
W1/4″ Per Feet Downward Slope