FAST-PS-M – User’s Manual
Figure 8:
no options installed
Figure 9:
A and B options installed
Options A and B are related to the following ordering codes (to be added at the
time of the order):
Ordering Code
Analog Control Input (±10V) on BNC connector -
Trigger Input on BNC connector -
A brief description of the two options is presented hereafter.
Analog Control Input
An input that allows the FAST-PS-M to be controlled as an “amplifier” is
provided on the rear panel on a BNC connector on the “A” socket. This input is labelled
as “AN CTRL”.
This input accepts signals ranging from 0V to +10V and generates an output
which is proportional to the input signal, meaning a 0 for a 0V input and Full-Scale for
a +10V input. An example of the relation between the analog input signal and the output
(can be either current or voltage, depending on the Regulation mode) is shown in
Figure 10:
AN CTRL vs OUTPUT dependence
Please note that the bandwidth of the analog control input is internally limited
to 1 kHz