2021/03 - Version: B Code : 37371
WARNING: Pools can represent a serious danger to small children. Drowning happens very quickly.
Children in the vicinity of the pool require constant vigilance and active supervision, even if they know
how to swim. Designate one person responsible for supervision.
The physical presence of a responsible adult is mandatory while the pool is accessible.
Be careful not to leave toys in or around an unwatched pool, these could attract children.
Some equipment can reinforce the safety of children (safety barrier, etc), however, these devices are not
intended to replace close supervision.
In the event of an accident :
get the child out of the water as quickly as possible;
call the for help immediately and follow the advice given;
remove the wet clothes and wrap the child in warm blankets.
Make sure that there is a telephone (land line or mobile) within easy reach of the pool to avoid leaving the
children alone in the event of a problem.
Pool chemicals should be stored out of the reach of children; store them in a safe, inaccessible
location. Never leave the cleaning accessories nearby.
Safety of all users
In the pool, young children and persons who cannot swim must wear a flotation device (vest or arm bands).
Do not allow a child who cannot swim enter the pool alone unless wearing a life-vest or armbands. Access
to the pool should be strictly prohibited unless these precautions are taken.
Reinforce supervision when there are several users in the pool. Keep a pole and / or a life ring beside the
pool for use in the event of a problem. Jumping should be prohibited, as should running and horseplay.
Safety instructions that apply to all users are as follows:
do not dive
do not walk or stand on the coping
do not leave the pool empty without protection.
Keep the water clear and clean during the pool season. Do not allow access to the pool is the filtration
system or systems are compromised, or while maintenance is being carried out.
While the pool is not use, it is a very good idea to cover it with a winter tarp, correctly installed and fastened
in position. In addition to its primary function, the tarp makes the pool less attractive.
Safety signage
Attach the safety signage (
Figure 29
) to the pool wall using
four countersunk head screws,4 x 25 (bag G).
Figure 29 –
Safety signage
Accidents don’t just happen to other people, be ready to react! Notably:
memorise first aid numbers and display them near the pool. 112 in the European Union.
Also, display the number of the nearest anti-poison centre at the pool site.
learn first aid so that you can provide assistance in the event of an accident