March 2011
3) Set PB Flow Control (default: Enabled)
The PB flow control feature is enabled for serial devices that do not have Flow control (RTS/CTS) such as Cisco Console Ports
PB Flow control factory default is enabled. To disable PB Flow Control type Y<
You will returned to the Comms options menu.
To enable PB Flow control follows the same steps as above.
4) Set Login prompt display
This function gives you the option to display or not display the initial login prompt when connecting to Pushkablue, The Factory default is set to enabled.
To enable or disable Login prompt
Type 4<
Login prompt currently: enabled
Disable Login prompt (Y/N)? Type Y<
> if you wish the Login prompt not to appear in the menus screen or <
> to re-enable the Login prompt follow
the same steps as above.
(5) - Set Dialling Type
From the Comms Options Menu, Choose 5<
This will allow you to change from Tone Dialling to Pulse Dialling or Pulse Dialling to Tone Dialling
Current Dialling Type is: Tone
Change Dialling Type to Pulse (y/n)? Type: Y if you wish to change to pulse or Type: N<
> or <
> if you wish to leave unchanged.
(6) - Line Modulation Speeds
This section allows you to select the minimum-maximum line speed session of the modems. This feature is very useful when there is a poor quality line.
By choosing the lower connect speeds, increases the connection rate between the Pushkablues or other calling modem.
From the Comms Options Menu, Choose 6<
A menu will appear
(1) - V34 (33600bps - 2400bps)
(2) - V32B (14400bps - 4800bps)
(3) - V22B (2400bps - 1200bps)
(4) - Show Current Line Speed Setting
(X, <CR>) - Back to Previous Menu
Choose one of the options (1 to 3)<
> to change the connect speed range or; Choose 4<
>to see what the current connect speed range is.
(7) - Set Number of Dial In Rings
This function enables you to set the number of times the telephone line rings before the Pushkablue will answer.
(1-9 rings) default is 2 rings
Choose 7<
This line appears:
Current Dial In Rings : 2
Change (y/n)? Choose Y<
> if you wish to change the number of rings (1-9) or N<
> or <
> to exit this function