Operator's manual
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damage or if you drive the machine with incorrect parameters.
Make sure that the LEDs of the limit switches and the tool sensor go on and off again when the ma -
chine reaches the corresponding positions.
After the last tool, the spindle picks again the test tool and moves to the machine zero point.
All CCDs: Make a first drill and routing at-
To do so load the project file
ccd_PCB_quickstart.xml. You will find this
file on your C-drive at: C:\Users\Public\Doc-
uments\ccdprojects\pcb. This is a single sided board with 3 different drills, a simple isolation and
a cut-out-routing.
Fix a standard drill backing board using the
provided clamps on the machine table. Now fix a
PCB with at least 160 x 100 mm dimension
about 5 mm off the machine zero point (in this
project the offset for X and Y is set to 10 mm,
we recommend first to use this setting when you
create a new project. Always compare the thick-
ness of your backing board and your PCB with
the values shown in the software !!!l!)
To to tab