2 | Safety
Büchi Labortechnik AG
Operation Manual Rotavapor® R-250 Pro
Users are persons that meet the following criteria:
They have been instructed in the use of the device.
They are familiar with the contents of these operating instructions and the
applicable safety regulations and apply them.
They are able on the basis of their training or professional experience to assess
the risks associated with the use of the device.
The operator (generally the laboratory manager) is responsible for the following
The device must be correctly installed, commissioned, operated and serviced.
Only suitably qualified staff may be assigned the task of performing the
operations described in these operating instructions.
The staff must comply with the local applicable requirements and regulations for
safe and hazard-conscious working practices.
Safety-related incidents that occur while using the device should be reported to
the manufacturer ([email protected]).
BUCHI service technicians
Service technicians authorized by BUCHI have attended special training courses and
are authorized by BÜCHI Labortechnik AG to carry out special servicing and repair
Personal protective equipment
Depending on the application, hazards due to heat and/or corrosive chemicals may
Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety goggles,
protective clothing and gloves.
Make sure that the personal protective equipment meets the requirements of
the safety data sheets for all chemicals used.
Warning notices in this document
Warning notices warn you of dangers that can occur when handling the device.
There are four danger levels, each identifiable by the signal word used.
Signal word
Indicates a danger with a high level of risk which could result in
death or serious injury if not prevented.
Indicates a danger with a medium level of risk which could result in
death or serious injury if not prevented.
Indicates a danger with a low level of risk which could result in mi-
nor or medium-severity injury if not prevented.
Indicates a danger that could result in damage to property.