July 2013 © British Telecommunications plc 2013
Page 30
Subnet mask: Default = Last used subnet mask e.g. Can be set to a
static IP mask where required by the IT system manager. Auto populated if DHCP is
Gateway address: Last used gateway address e.g. Can be set to a
static gateway address where required by the IT system manager. Auto populated if
DHCP is enabled.
Primary DNS: Default = Last used DNS address e.g. Can be set to a
static DNS address where required by the IT system manager. Auto populated if
DHCP is enabled.
Secondary DNS: Default = Last used DNS address e.g. Can be set to a static
DNS address where required by the IT system manager. Auto populated if DHCP is
Wireless Interface settings. (GPRS)
Server 1. Default the address of the A side ESP servers.
Server 2. Default the address of the B side ESP servers.
Server 3. Default = blank.
Server 4. Default = blank.
Username. Default = BT Redcare.bt.com. The GPRS network username. Only used if
Sim override = Off.
Password. The GPRS network password. Only used if SIM override = Off.
APN. The GPRS APN. Only used if SIM override = Off.
Smart roaming. Default = ticked. Use smart roaming if supported by the SIM when
SIM Overide: Default = Presets 1. Automatically detect the sim type and use the hard
coded GPRS settings that match. Off = use the GPRS settings in the above
(Username/ password/APN) fields.
Roaming CSQ limit. Default = 19. Following unit startup, if the signal strength is less
than this value, then roam through the available networks until this value is exceeded
or all available networks have been attempted. (CSQ19 = -75dB).
Roaming Session limit. Default = 8640 (minutes). If the previous GPRS session was
longer than this time then the roaming algorithm will initially try to re-connect to the
previous network. Else the unit will try the next available network. (8640mins=6 days).
Dial Up settings.
Server 1. Default the address of the B side ESP servers.
Server 2. Default the address of the A side ESP servers.
Server 3. Default = blank.
Server 4. Default = blank.
Predial number; default = blank. Any additional digits that may be required to be
dialled. i.e. 9 to obtain an outside line on PABX, 1740 to force CLI on, 1280 to force BT
Phone Number 1. Default = 08009173263. Telephone number of A side ESP servers.