July 2013 © British Telecommunications plc 2013
Page 31
Phone number 2. Default = 08009173265. Telephone number of B side ESP servers.
Username. Default = BT [email protected]. Username for dialup RAS
Password. Password for dial up RAS.
Voltage fail delay. Default = 120s. Delay time before loss of PSTN voltage is reported.
(Pin 955 alarm). Also delay time before GPOP1 operates for loss of PSTN voltage.
Voltage restore delay. Default = 30s. Delay time before restore of PSTN voltage is
reported. (Pin 955 restore). Also delay time before GPOP1 restores for restoration of
PSTN voltage.
Panel settings
Ultra alarm format = Contact ID. Events generated by the secure unit are sent to ARC
in this format. (Note: dial capture events are sent as they arrive from panel)
Kiss Off /Ack window. Default = 0 ms. Allows the dial capture kiss off time to be
extended. (0 - 2000 ms). i.e. HKC panels may require 1850ms.
Off line timeout. Default = 1500 minutes. Unit will reboot if no polls are received from
ESP over any path for this period of time. (1500mins = 25 hours)
Mains Fail time. Default = 7 minutes. Time delay before pin 13 alarm is reported.
Low DC fail time. Default = 1 minute. Time delay before Low supply voltage alarm is
reported. (pin 985 alarm)
General Purpose input sense settings.
Tick for positive applied triggering. Untick for positive removed triggering.
Inputs 1-8 (Default all ticked, pos applied)
Inputs 9-16 (Default all ticked, pos applied)
Line Fault Debounce time.
Wireline. Default = 2 mins. Time before GPOP1 will operate following IP path
Wireless. Default = 15 mins. Time before GPOP1 will operate following GPRS path
Dial IP. Default = 15 mins. Time before GPOP1 will operate following PSTN path
(Note: GPOP1 will restore immediately following path restoral).