Error code C001
Timeout occurred with access request sent to server due to incorrect server address, network
disconnection, or inactive server.
Error code C002
User authentication is unavailable due to incorrect user name, incorrect password, or
asynchronous date and time between the machine and server.
Error code C003
Access to a file is unavailable due to incorrect directory name, no write permission on
directory, file write lock, or no write permission on file.
Error code C004
The current time necessary for user authentication is unavailable due to time not being obtained.
< User Check >
- Refer to User's guide and reconfigure network settings.
- Check the wiring of the LAN cables.
- Check the wireless LAN settings.
Log Access Error.
Server Timeout, contact your administrator.
Log Access Error.
Authentication Error, contact your administrator.
Log Access Error.
File Access Error, contact your administrator.
Log Access Error.
Wrong Date&Time, contact your administrator.
Connection failure of the wireless
LAN PCB connector
Reconnect the Wireless LAN PCB
Wireless LAN PCB failure
Replace the wireless LAN PCB ASSY.
Main PCB failure
Replace the main PCB ASSY.