Document No.: ADXC-73-001-AFM
Non-approved page
Revision: A2
Date of Issue: 15.04.2021
Access to the cockpit is from both sides after opening the canopy. The
canopy is suspended on two hinges on the front side of the frame. It is
opened fore-/upward. The opening movement is supported by gas
springs on each side. The gas springs also keep the canopy in opened
Engine run with canopy open is possible but not advised due to
vibrations. Canopy locking with engine running is hampered by
aerodynamic suction forces in opening direction.
The canopy lock for outside access to the aircraft is placed on both sides
of the fuselage behind the cockpit bulkhead and below the cockpit frame.
It consists of a lever that in closed position neatly fits into the outer
fuselage contour. To open the canopy the part of the lever next to the
canopy frame has to be pushed, deflecting the lever so that it can be
hold and turned around 40° upwards to open the canopy lock.
From inside the canopy lock can also be operated from both sides of the
cockpit using hand levers mounted on the side walls just above the map
pockets. Connecting all four opening and closing levers is a central
torque tube. The system has means to lock by overcentering in fully
opened and fully closed position, assuring that no accidental opening
occurs during flight.
The cabin is provided with fresh air from ducts on the fuselage side and
adjustable vent outlets on either side of the instrument panel.
Heated air is provided from a heat exchanger on the exhaust. The heat
exchanger is located on the muffler and supplied with air from NACA inlet
located on the left side of the lower cowling. Heated air is supplied into
the cockpit by an air hose through a control flap located on the firewall.
Quantity of hot air is regulated via the CABIN HEAT push/pull control on
the left lower instrument panel. On the cabin side of the firewall is a valve
which splits hot air flow into the canopy bubble outlet (UP) and into the
crew legs outlet (DOWN). The split usage is controlled via the UP/DOWN
push pull control next to the cabin heat control.
A glove box is positioned in the middle of the cockpit between the two
seats. The composite box can hold only minor mass items
It is closed by a lid. In the inside the emergency exit hammer is stored.