11. Race Points.
Select Main menu option 10 (race points) after which you
will be given three sub
Press option 1, and you will see the list of the race points.
“▲” “▼”
you can scroll to see the complete list of
race points on the screen. Press <C> to cancel (Quit).
Press option 2 to add a new race point.
you can select the first character.
you go to the next character. It is possible to
correct a mistake with the
and select the
wrong character and correct it with
Confirm with <OK> or cancel with <C>.
Press option 3 to delete a race point. With
is possible to select a race point and delete it with <OK>.
12. Set
The Bricon Club
Master can be set up to suit the needs of your club.
The available options can be found by selecting main menu 5 (setup).
A sub
menu then gives you the available preferences (press the number on the key pad to select).
1. The number of copies of the basketing list.
2. The number of copies of the read out (clocking list).
Sets the number of copies to be printed according to the clubs own requirements.
Usually set to 2 or 3. ie. copies printed for the member, the club and the federation.
3. The number of lines.
The number of lines on the print out (default setting at 66).
4. The club ID.
To be set to the club
s own official number (if applicable). Enables the Club
Master system
to be shared by two organisations, each having access through its own ID number.
Attention : A race can only be accessed, whilst in the club ID in which it was opened.
5. Change PIN.
Enables the officials to limit access to the system by setting a security pin code.
13. Printing.
In the main menu option 11(Printing) it is possible to
print an Overview list or the Assignment list.
Choose: 1. Overview list.
2. Assignment list
the allocation of ETS rings.
The official allocation of the rings takes place when the
off of the Assignment list is taken at the club.
The process should be witnessed and signed by the club
officials and the member in order to comply with rules.
Connect the ETS and power up the printer.
1 Browse
2 Add
3 Delete
1. Overview list
2. Assignment List