3.2. Fancier
ID : Reference number in BCE.
Loft number : Loft number of the fancier.
Name : Name of the fancier.
Address, Postcode, City, Telephone, Fax/GSM, Email, Bank account : The data of the fancier.
Coord X, Coord Y: The loft co
ordinates of the fancier (latitude and longitude).
The members of the club that have been entered into the system will appear on the list.
By clicking on the heading of a particular column you can sort the list into alphabetical or numerical
order according to the information in that column, ie the ID, licence, name, address, postcode, etc ...
If you click on the column once again it will re
sort the list from high to low (or reversed)
Read from ETS
Upon activation and reading the ETS clock,
the BCE checks the serial number of the clock.
If the number is not present BCE will ask for the fancier to be added.
If the serial number exists, BCE will ask to overwrite the data with that received from the ETS clock.
Here you can see the communication with
the ETS. If you see such an announcement
then the communication has been achieved.
Select or enter a fancier.
BCE automatically processes the
received data.