2.8. The Gender.
The gender cable is used to change a 9
pin female connector to a 9
pin male.
There are three gender cables provided.
3.0. PC
You must provide the clocks with a link table (a list of the association ring numbers of the pi-
geons that
are to be raced, each linked to a chip ring) before you can basket a pigeon. You can make
a link table
with the Club
Master using the PC
software. This software is free provided on a CD, but
can also be
obtained free on the Bricon website at www.bricon.be.
Install the BRICON CLUB EDITOR (BCE) link program, and the CD will start automatically
which the instructions should be followed. The program will operate under Windows 98/ME,
but is designed for use with XP and Vista. If your computer is connected to the internet, you will
automatically receive the latest version, but when operating under Windows 98/ME you must down-
load the updates
manually. After the installation a BCE icon will appear on the desktop of your com-
puter. You can start the Bricon Club Editor software by double clicking on the icon.