Brew-Boss® V2.06 Operation Manual
it did that via an audible prompt as well. The Alarm Flag is also set as we want to make certain that the
user gets to see the awesome
Hops Boss
automatic hops feeder in action! Since this is step type 2, the
controller proceeds to the next step automatically if Auto Brew Mode is active. Note: If we did not
want the user to witness the awesomeness of the
Hops Boss
automatic hops feeder in action, we could
have just specified Hops Pos #1 in the next step.
Step 15 – Maintaining Boil:
Now we want to maintain the boil for 60 minutes, but we have a hops
addition we'd like with 15 minutes left in the boil. This is where a complete understanding of the
controller relative to timing is important. Basically, every time that step type 4 is used, it starts a timer
from that point, and the expiration of that timer represents the end of that step. So if we want to have a
60 minute boil, but want to interrupt that with a hops addition, we need two separate timer steps. The
first for 45 minutes and the second for 15 minutes, for a total of 60 minutes. So, we use Step Type 4,
which maintains specified temperature for a specified amount of time. In this case, we want to
maintain boil for 45 minutes. Se we set our Prompt to “Maintaining Boil” and set the Setpoint to 220
and the Boil Flag to “1” to use the automatically determined boil temperature that was discovered in
the heat to boil step. We also keep the Hops Pos parameter set to the last used position. This prevents
the hops feeder from reversing, so we set that to 1 in every subsequent step up to the next hops
addition. When the timer expires, the controller proceeds to the next step when in Auto Brew Mode.
Step 16 – Add finishing hops and Irish moss:
The wort has been boiling for 45 minutes based on the
previous step. Now we want to add the Finishing Hops and some Irish Moss. We have added those
items to hops feeder dispenser tubes #2 and #3 respectively. Since we want to witness the
awesomeness of the
Hops Boss
automatic hops feeder in action again, we added this step using Step
Type 2, other wise we could have just used Step type 4 immediately (step 17 the next step) with the
proper hops feeder position identified. So here we set the Setpoint to 220, Boil Flag to 1, Hops Pos to 3
and the Speak and Alarm flags to 1 as well. We set the Hops Pos to 3 because in order to get from
position #1, where it was before this step to position #2, it must pass position #2. So by setting it to 3,
positions #2 and #3 both get dispensed.
Step 17 – Maintaining Boil:
Now we want to maintain the boil for the remaining 15 minutes as we
have already boiled for 45 minutes. So, we use Step Type 4, which maintains specified temperature for
a specified amount of time. In this case, we want to maintain boil for 15 more minutes. Se we set our
Prompt to “Maintaining Boil” and set the Setpoint to 220 and the Boil Flag to “1” to use the
automatically determined boil temperature that was discovered in the heat to boil step. We also set the
Hops Pos parameter set to the last used position which is 3 as we want to assure it had time to get to
that position from the last step. When the timer expires, the controller proceeds to the next step when
in Auto Brew Mode.
Step 18 – Add chiller to kettle:
Our final 15 minutes at boil has expired, now it is time to chill the
wort. We instruct the user to add the chiller to the kettle. We use the Speak and Alarm Flags and
change the Setpoint to 70, which will effectively turn the heater off and serve as a reminder where we
want to chill to. Again, the user must press the start key to advance to the next step. Once the chiller is
added. Note, frequently I will add 5 minutes to my boil time and add another 5 minutes of boil after
this to sanitize the chiller. For this example that was omitted as not everyone uses an immersion type
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