Brew-Boss® V2.06 Operation Manual
value for Brew Mode is set in the system parameters screen. The default value is the value that the
controller uses when the application starts up. You can go between manual and auto modes during your
brew session if desired. The brew mode is only used to tell the controller to automatically proceed to
the next step or not, it is not used for “Manually Brewing”. If you want to use the controller to
manually brew (not using brew steps), you can simply use the heater, pump, and timer controls on the
main screen manually.
Pump Toggle Button
This Toggle button shows the status of the pump and allows the user to manually override
the status of the pump. “On” when the pump is running, and “Off” when it is not. Every
press of the button changes the state to the opposite state. Note that when in Auto Brew
Mode, when application steps to the next brew step, the state of the pump on the new brew step will
override this button in the event it was used as an override.
Heater Toggle Button
This Toggle button shows the status of the heater. If ON, the application is trying to heat to
or maintain the temperature in the Target Temperature window. If OFF, the heater power is
forced to 0%. This button allows the user to manually override the status of the Heater.
Every press of the button changes the state to the opposite state. Note that when in Auto Brew Mode,
when application steps to the next brew step, the state of the Heater on the new brew step will override
this button in the event it was used as an override.
The Heater Power % graph gives a graphical representation of the heater's power level. The horizontal
red bar changes in length corresponding to the power level. The power level in % is also indicated
inside the power bar.
Heater Power Slider
The power slider (yellow band with gray slider button) allows the user to change
the power output of the heater manually. This gives the user very accurate
control of the power output by simply sliding the slider left or right until the
desired power setting is displayed and releasing the slider. This is very useful
when your operating parameters might not be set ideally and you want to
manually adjust the power output. This is most helpful during the boil to reduce
power temporarily during the hot break to prevent over boiling. Note that during a brew session, the
power output override will override the power defined in the system parameters, until the temperature
drops below setpoint (negative change), at which time the controller will choose it's own power setting
to attempt to hold the setpoint.
Green Start (Enter) Button
This button is the most used button on the controller. If all brew steps and system
parameters are configured properly before a brew session starts, the entire brew
session can be completed by only pressing this button! Truly a 1 button brew
controller! All the other areas on the main screen are used to override the controller in some way,
usually the result of a misstep in step definition or parameter setting.
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