Brew-Boss® V2.06 Operation Manual
Target Temperature
This window shows the current target temperature (setpoint) that the controller is
trying to heat to and maintain. This value is automatically obtained from the current
brew step (see section 4). It is also a drop-down list. Clicking on this window will
present a list of temperatures that the user can use to override the controller and
manually set the setpoint. This overrides the setpoint as defined in the current step.
Simply scroll the list up or down to locate the desired setpoint and then click on the
new setpoint. Please note that the next step to execute will use the value determined
by the step definition, not the override value. In other words, the setpoint override only lasts to the end
of the current step.
Time Remaining This Step
This window shows the time remaining for the current step being processed, and thus
only displays a value when Step Type 4 is being processed or you manually set the
timer. Clicking on this window allows you to enter a time value to count down from
or to modify the current timer value when a step type 4 activity is active. Simply click
on this window and enter a new timer value in minutes. e.g. 1.5 hours is 90 minutes.
Hops Feeder Position
is window shows the current
position of the Hops Boss®
automatic hops feeder if it is
Clicking on the window allows
you to manually position the hops feeder to Home or any
of the 7 hops dispenser tubes. Clicking on the window
brings up a simulated image of the hops feeder with the
current position shown in
. Simply click on the
desired location to index the feeder to that position to or
press the
position to exit without changing the
current position.
Brew Mode
These two radio buttons allow you to select the brew mode. Brew Mode can
either be “Auto” or “Manual” and is selected by clicking on the desired
mode. When in “Auto” Mode, the controller will automatically proceed
from one step to the next. When in “Manual” Mode, the controller will
complete the current step and then stop, requiring the user to manually start the next step. Manual
Brew Mode is used when you want to modify the standard process and manually interact. The default
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