Independent apex locator
For Independent apex locator(insert a
Measuring cable A and select the Independent endo motor mode)
Contact with the lip clip and file clamp will cause the following conditions
The warning will sound rapidly
Display on the screen: Root canal indicator scale full grid, the root canal
indicator data: “- -”, APEX non-stop flashing
If the above-mentioned problems are not present, the reason for abnormal loop may be as follows:
One cable may be broken or in bad contact
The connecting of the cable is not good
The contact between lip hook and file climp or the lip hook and file is too short
The file is in poor conductivity Application steps
Operation: After setting above parameters, connecting measuring cable, detecting measurement
loop, hand the lip hook on the patient’ s lip, the treatment can be started
The response of motor:
Putting the file into the root canal, the file will self-acting rotate as setting speed, torque. Or press
ON/OFF to drive the file to rotate
When the file approaching the apical foramen, the motor will automatically slow down, when
reaching the apical foramen, the motor will auto reverse.
Circuit detection normal display
Abnormal operation interface of
loop detection
Circuit detection normal
display interface
Abnormal operation interface of
loop detection