Revision 15.00 / LB-0028
Cerebus Instructions for Use
will start a power-up sequence of analog and digital supplies ending with the green ON LED illuminating.
When the power switch is turned off, this sequence is reversed and the output of the APS is tied to
ground. In the event of an error in voltage or power delivery, the APS will shut down and a red error LED
will turn on. After checking all amplifier and patient cable connections for any inadvertent shorting, turn
off the APS and turn it back on to reset the error.
Included with the system is a power cable for the NSP (not shown), a power cable for the APS (not
shown), a fiber-optic link that connects the Front End Amplifier to the NSP, a crossover Ethernet cable
that connects the NSP to the Host PC, and a cable that connects the APS to the Front End Amplifier.
Note: The fiber-optic cable is very delicate. Do not bend the cable (with a smaller
bend radius than 5.0 cm) or crush it!
Figure 6- Fiber-optic Cable (Left) and Amplifier Power Supply Cable (Right).
Figure 5- Amplifier Power Supply