Revision 15.00 / LB-0028
Cerebus Instructions for Use
Figure 1 (lower panel) also depicts a simplified flowchart to describe the signal processing stages that take
place inside the Cerebus system. The signals on both the electrode and reference wire are initially
buffered using unity gain amplifiers. The buffered signals then enter a differential amplifier which
subtracts the neural signal from the reference to suppress common noise and achieve a bipolar recording.
The resultant signal then goes through the gain and filtering stage. The amplified signal is then digitized,
converted to fiber optic signal, and transferred to the processor for further analysis, display or storage.
Cerebus System Hardware
The Cerebus System components are depicted inside the following block diagram. The architecture
generally consists of analog headstages, Front End Amplifier, and the Neural Signal Processor which are
described in the following sections.
Figure 1- Setup schematics showing the Cerebus and Digital Cerebus Systems (top). Overview of signal
processing stages in Cerebus data acquisition system (bottom).