Revision 15.00 / LB-0028
Cerebus Instructions for Use
The fiber optic LED indicator is illuminating yellow or red.
Potential causes:
The Front End Amplifier or the Digital Hub are powered off or there are issues in their power
Fiber optic cable is not properly connected on both ends.
The fiber optic cable or its connector are damaged.
Hardware error to the NSP, Front End Amplifier, or the Digital Hub.
Troubleshooting steps:
Make sure that the Front End Amplifier or Digital Hub are powered on.
Check whether the fiber optic cable is properly connected.
Also check for any visible damage to fiber optic cable or the connector.
In case none of above recommendations could solve the problem, contact support for additional
The source status LED on Digital Hub is illuminating yellow or
Source Status LED is red signifying that the Digital Hub is receiving invalid data from the Digital Headstage.
If the LED is off it signifies that the Digital Hub is not receiving or not processing data from that bank.
Possible causes:
LED can become yellow/red if there is a bad connection between the CerePlex Headstage
and Digital Hub or if the data packets are not valid.
A turned off LED means that no Headstage is plugged into that bank, or that the Digital Hub
is already processing a full 128 channels from higher priority banks.
Troubleshooting steps:
For no LED problem, check the HDMI cables and ensure they are properly plugged into both the
Headstage and the Digital Hub . Also ensure that not more than 128 Channels are plugged into
the higher priority banks. Bank A is the highest priority and Bank D the lowest.
For the yellow/red LED error, check the connectors on both the Digital Hub and the Headstage to
ensure that there is no damage and that the connectors are not pulling out. Unplug the
Headstage and plug it back in to reset it and see if it syncs back up.
Upon plugging in a CerePlex headstage to Digital Hub, the status LED will briefly flash yellow/red
to verify that it is working. This will allow users to be confident that if there is a problem they will
be alerted. If the Headstage LED does not initially turn yellow/red or if the LED remains
yellow/red contact Blackrock support.