Revision 15.00 / LB-0028
Cerebus Instructions for Use
The Firmware installer can only communicate with the NSP attached to the ethernet port with IP address block. So if there are multiple NSPs connected to a single host PC,
then the firmware update procedure must be performed individually by connecting each NSP to
the Ethernet port with mentioned IP address.
In case the firmware upgrade process is disrupted during the programming, then simply repeat
the installation process from the beginning.
The Front End Amplifier power supply red error LED is on.
Potential causes:
Bad fuse in the power receptacle of the supply.
Internal damage to the power supply board assembly.
Short circuit in power cable connector on power supply.
Short in power path external to the supply which can be the cable, amplifier itself,
headstages connected to amplifier.
Troubleshooting steps:
Connect the power supply to mains power, but do not connect the grey power cable that goes to
the Front End Amplifier.
If supply doesn’t turn on at all, check fuses in power receptacle
If supply goes into error mode, then there is either a short in the connector for the amp
power cable, or the internal fuses are bad. It would need to come back to Blackrock for
further diagnostics and repair
Connect the power supply to the amplifier, but disconnect any inputs to the amplifier e.g. patient
cable, manifold, etc. Power up the power supply.
If the supply doesn’t go into error mode, then the problem is likely a short in something that
gets connected to the inputs of the Front End Amplifier.
If the supply does go into error mode, then there is a short in the cable to the amplifier or in
the power connector on the amplifier. Try swapping out with different cable or amplifier if
possible to isolate the faulty part.
The analog headstage attached to the Front End Amplifier is not
receiving power.
Potential cause:
The Front End Amplifier power supply is in error mode.
Internal hardware issue with the analog headstage
Troubleshooting steps:
The Front End Amplifier power supply must always be switched off before connecting or
disconnecting components to the Front End Amplifier. Otherwise the power supply can
enter the error mode. If this happens, simply restart the power supply to see if the problem
is resolved.
If the problem still not resolv
ed, then follow the diagnostic steps mentioned in “
The red
error LED on the Front End Amplifier
power supply” section above.